Community Service

Freedom Day USA
Every year, in the Fall, hundreds of businesses across the United States participate in Freedom Day USA, a National Thank You Movement for members of our military, veterans, and reservists. To show appreciation, each business provides a thank you gift, in the form of free services, goods, discounts, and various other offers.
Dr. Manyak has served as a California Co-Director of the event since its inception in 2013, and our entire team has been privileged to participate every year and looks forward to future years. As is the point of the event, no money is exchanged or insurance billed for services provided on this day. Services provided include cleanings, exams, x-rays, simple fillings, and other same-day treatment. To learn more, please call us or visit
Freedom Day videos
Manyak Dental: Supporting Military & Veterans on Freedom Day!
Distinguished Service Award, San Mateo County
For her outstanding contribution to the dentists of San Mateo County, the dental profession, and the planet she serves, the San Mateo County Dental Society has recognized Dr. Manyak with their annual Distinguished Service Award.

Pro-Bono Dental Clinic, North Carolina
Dr. Manyak had an incredible, and fulfilling, opportunity to provide very needed pro-bono dental services to a large population that lacks access to regular dental care. Dr. Manyak, along with other dentists, made it possible for more than 500 adults to receive dental services.Peru Medical Mission
"We take too much for granted!” All of us have heard this sentiment at one point or another. A positive life experience can help us appreciate what we have.
During the summer of 2007, Dr. Manyak and her husband participated in a humanitarian medical mission to Peru. Fifteen doctors as well as other volunteers set up medical and dental clinics in a number of remote Peruvian villages and orphanages. The group was able to provide much-needed care to people who either have no or very limited access to doctors.
In one village, a 3-year old boy was brought in by his parents because he had difficulty speaking and eating. In a manner of minutes it became obvious that the boy was “tongue-tied.” The frenulum under his tongue was so tight that it grealty restricted movement. Dr. Manyak was able to correct the problem relatively quickly with a minor surgical procedure. But to the boy and his parents, this procedure was a miracle that might never have happened.
The Peru experience was an amazing affirmation of not only how much we have to be thankful for but how much we can all help. Our entire office thanks our patients, local doctors, and suppliers who gave us so much support. Thanks to all of you, we were able to provide the clinics with more than eight giant duffle bags of humanitarian and medical supplies—all of which were grealty needed and appreciated. Read more in Catalyst Magazine.
Community Service Day
Our entire team volunteered its time and opened our office on a day when it is normally closed. With the help of some of our patients, we were able to provide vital, pro-bono dental treatment to women and children from local shelters and to underprivileged families who don’t have access to dental care.
We thank those who supported this activity, including Mimi’s Café for donating snacks, Colgate-Palmolive Company for donating supplies and the patients who ran multiple errands during the day.